More time at home, can actually be very healing as well. Often times, really hard conversations are left  until the last minute, or never done at all. The conversations about END OF LIFE WISHES are essential to your loved ones peace of mind, and dignity! Having worked with families in the community for over 17 years, I have witnessed what happens when these conversations DON’T happen. So I wanted to pass on several questions I always recommend my clients talk to their loved ones about. Now is the time to have them, because you have extra time. These questions can often turn into heartfelt and healing conversations about how you love your loved one…..what they mean to you…..what you appreciate about them……
Say the words now folks…..speak the words of love, and appreciation now….share the memories, take out the pictures….because we don’t know what tomorrow brings.

Important information to gather from your loved one:
***Do you want to be buried or cremated?
*** Where do you want to be buried, or do you want your ashes spread? Where, and by whom?
***Do you want a big service? Do you want only a graveside?
***Do you want a traditional service/burial or more of a “celebration of life” how big?? Where?
***Where do you want to spend your last days? Home? Hospital? Hospice house? nursing home?
***Do you want to be alone, or do you want your family around you? Which family?
*** Do you want music playing while you are crossing over? Do you want someone praying? Do you want just quiet?
***What makes you feel safe? (Usually the first thing that comes to mind, is what they want)

These simple but very intense and difficult questions will almost organically spark a conversation about how much this person means to you….tears will come…hugs… but I PROMISE YOU ONE THING…..NONE OF IT YOU WILL REGRET!!!

I hope this helps….
Stay healthy everyone!!
Sheryl Fappiano